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Hello, Welcome to my new blog where I will record my thoughts on the world of story and video games. This site is going to be an experiment, so get ready! I previously had a very poorly kept blog about music, which mostly had links to songs and the odd review, but it was not kept up to date in the slightest, and I in fact forgot about it too soon. This time, the focus will be on posts that have some (hopefully) interesting perspective on a variety of topics as they relate to video games, particularly those that have some kind of narrative. I'm using that term loosely, so even games that aren't heavily story-based can still feature. For example, today I was playing a strategy game with very minimal story called Into The Breach. There isn't a whole lot of plot development, but there is in fact a story of a kind, and its theme fits in nicely with the roguelike gameplay. In the case of a game with a very simple or modular story such as this, I will talk about what it is t

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